This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

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Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Where can you find out more about machine learning?

  • Know where to go to learn more about machine learning

Other algorithms

There are many other machine learning algorithms that might be suitable for helping you to answer your research questions.

The Scikit-Learn webpage has a good overview of all the features available in the library.

Genetic algorithms

Genetic algorithms are techniques which try to mimic biological evolution. They will learn to solve a problem through a gradual process of simulated evolution. Each generation is mutated slightly and then evaluated with a fitness function. The fittest “genes” will then be selected for the next generation. Sometimes this is combined with neural networks to change the networks size structure.

This video shows a genetic algorithm evolving neural networks to play a video game.

Useful Resources

Key Points

  • This course has only touched on a few areas of machine learning and is designed to teach you just enough to do something useful.

  • Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field and new tools and techniques are constantly appearing.